
Providing Expertise and Technology Solutions For Your Monitoring Projects Expanding your business into monitoring or taking on a monitoring project requires time, guidance and a good partner. With Duncan-Parnell you get all of those. With a dedicated and experienced monitoring expert, as well as great brands and products from both Trimble and Move Solutions, Duncan-Parnell can help guide you in adding monitoring to your business to grow projects and build even stronger relationships in combination with our Trimble products.


Duncan-Parnell offers a suite of Monitoring Solutions for your next monitoring projects:

a trimble robotic s9 is shown on a white background a yellow and black trimble r750 modular gnss receiver a laptop with trimble 4d control software on the screen an m1 controller sits next to a tablet a picture of trimble geotech solutions shows a device attached to a pole a picture of a bridge with the words move solutions below it

Why should surveyors consider monitoring to grow their business?

  • Monitoring is completely within a surveyor's wheelhouse in terms of data collection and management
  • Monitoring offers a recurring revenue stream that is predictable, stable and received at regular intervals. It can help even out cash flow and generate ongoing income from equipment that has already paid for itself
  • It replaces time-consuming manual and repetitive processes with automated systems that operate independently - when used in real-time, monitoring significantly increases efficiency through automation, resulting in fewer site visits
  • Monitoring brings more opportunity to service and build relationships with construction and asset owner/operator customers
  • It allows you to complete and fully service a project when automated monitoring is required

Why should you consider Duncan-Parnell for monitoring?

  • Expertise – A dedicated Business Development representative, who is a licensed surveyor, professional engineer and monitoring expert with over 30 years of experience
  • We offer a suite of Monitoring products and technologies for a variety of applications
  • We can offer solutions customizable to any need or budget
  • We offer ongoing training and assistance

Meet Joe Priestner - Duncan Parnell's Monitoring Expert Who Can Help Take You To The Next Level

Joe Priestner, PLS, PE is the Emerging Technology Manager at Duncan-Parnell, focused specifically on Monitoring in the Geospatial division. Joe is a wealth of knowledge with his over 30 years of experience in surveying, monitoring and many other applications. Shaped by startling technological advances in the field of surveying and a single-minded determination to get his hands on them, Joe has been focused for the past fifteen years on positioning support for large-scale construction projects, primarily automated machine guidance, marine positioning, and structural deformation monitoring. Most of all, Joe’s passion and emphasis is teaching our customers how to do monitoring at a higher level to grow their business.

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