Trimble TerraFlex Software
Item #:
Unify data collection with everyday simplicity. From field to office, Trimble TerraFlex software unifies geospatial data collection with a single system for everyday work.
Product Info
TerraFlex is a Cloud-based solution for mobile GIS field data collection. Subscription based with annual renewal terms.
From field to office maintain complete control of your geospatial data stream with Trimble® TerraFlex software.
Be in Control
- Easy to use, simple forms you can configure to your requirements.
- Push forms out to the field so everyone is working the same.
- Everyone on your team will deliver standardized, consistent data from the field.
Be Confident
- Works on the devices you do, to make the most of your entire fleet.
- Know you can trust the data you are getting back.
- iOS, Android, and Windows® Mobile users can all access the same trusted field workflows.
Be Current
- Fast, real time. Field data you can trust, now.
- Greater efficiency with up-to-date informatin in the field.
- With a central place to send data you have a complete overview of what is going on in the field.
- Import and export to a variety of common formats for seamless integration to current systems.