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Positioning Networks
KeyNetGPS Positioning Service
KeyNetGPS provides positioning professionals with instant access to real-time Kinematic (RTK) corrections utilizing a network of permanent (fixed) continuously operating high precision GNSS reference stations (CORS).
North Carolina - NC Geodetic Survey
The NC Geodetic Survey provides positioning professionals with instant access to real-time Kinematic (RTK) corrections utilizing a network of permanent (fixed) continuously operating high precision GNSS reference stations (CORS).
Trimble CenterPoint RTX Correction Service
Experience unmatched global positioning accuracy with Trimble CenterPoint® RTX. No base station needed, uninterrupted satellite connectivity, and continuous cm-level precision anywhere on Earth.
South Carolina Real Time Network
Provides positioning professionals with instant access to real-time Kinematic (RTK) corrections utilizing a network of permanent (fixed) continuously operating high precision GNSS reference stations (CORS).
Trimble VRSNow Positioning Network
Trimble® VRS Now provides positioning professionals with instant access to real-time Kinematic (RTK) corrections utilizing a network of permanent (fixed) continuously operating high precision GNSS reference stations (CORS).
West Virginia WVDOT Real-Time Network
The WVRTN provides observations for post processing from 33 continuously operating reference stations (CORS).